Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way
Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way
Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way (developed by Lynn Lott and Jane Nelsen) is a two-day workshop designed to support participants in applying the Positive Discipline philosophy in their work with parents and caregivers.
This training will take a deep dive into Adlerian Psychology - exploring the adult-child relationship through that lens. The Positive Discipline approach utilizes experiential and practical activities to inspire deeper understanding and application; focused on the use of kindness and firmness at the same time, fostering mutually respectful relationships, employing encouragement instead of praise, and identifying mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Participants will gain an abundance of experience and materials designed for quick implementation with groups, classes or individual sessions with parents and caregivers. This program stands alone or offers significant enhancement to any program. It provides experiential activities that reach the heart to inspire deeper understanding and change. Participants in this workshop will:
Learn research based effective tools and techniques for teaching parents how to use discipline that is kind and firm at the same time (non-punitive, non-permissive).
Learn how to facilitate a parent class/workshop/group from the position of a non-expert.
Gain practice with experiential exercises that help parents go beyond intellectual understanding and be able to respond in empowering ways that teach children.
Learn how to use materials and activities in group settings, parenting classes, and individual work with families.
Materials Included:
1. Positive Discipline Book
2. Teaching Parenting Manual
3. Parent Tool Cards